Friday, April 8, 2016

STEM Hackathon II

Hi All,

We are going to have our second STEM Hackathon form 9:00 am to 4:00 pm this Saturday (tomorrow, April 9). Though some of you will be attending college Admitted Students' Day or be traveling to visit your candidate colleges, you can still work on your projects over the weekend to catch up some progresses.

In addition, I have invited the Machine Learning Research Group (an after school activity) to join us the same day to have a Machine Learning Workshop. Some of them may become the Advanced STEM Research students next year. Please feel free to explain or demonstrate your projects to them as they approach you.

Since there will be ACT administrated in our school tomorrow, please be mindful when you come to school, and please go to RM 201 directly. Since people are expected to come in at various time due to other commitments, please start working on your own projects immediately whenever you come. We will have a "whole group" meeting later in the day when more people arrive.  If you will be late, please email Mr. Lin such that we can arrange lunch for you. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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