Monday, December 28, 2015

The Vision of Research

Research is difficult. Research is time-consuming. Research is tedious. Research is frustrating. Research is a lonely journey. Sometimes, research is even painful!...... However, a researcher won't be hindered by these obstacles, since a real researcher has seen something much larger than these obstacles, and more important than his/her own discomfort. I'd like to call it the "vision of research". It's the ultimate drive for a researcher to continue his/her journey and reach the final destination. When a person sees possibility out of despair, he/she got vision. When a person sees the huge differences between the current state and his/her future, he/she got vision. When a person sees the overwhelming needs of people and feel constantly burdensome, he/she got vision. When a person strongly believes in something or someway, he/she got vision. There are many researchers in the world, no matter young or old, they made a difference in their community, turn suffering into blessing, and impact people's lives greatly due to their vision. Here are two nice videos that I'd like to share with you for the new year:
  •  Luminaries: Prosthetic Arm Engineer Easton LaChappelle. 
  • New Bionics Let Us Run, Climb and Dance - Hugh Herr
Happy New Year! And, got vision?

Sunday, December 6, 2015

STEM Seminar

This Tuesday, we are going to have our STEM Seminar. Each team is going to present a short talk (~8 min) on a topic relevant to your research, which will be informative and educational to the class. You are encouraged to use PowerPoint, videos, demonstrations and handouts to help the class understand and grasp the new materials in a short time. Please plan, coordinate, and rehearse your presentation in advance, and submit your topic by the end of Monday (12/07/2015). The order of presentation will be announced before the presentation. If you need any special setup for your presentation, please notify Mr. Lin as soon as possible.